Meet our Community: Kosal

Kosal in our library.

Meet *Kosal, a seven-year-old boy who has been born into a life of extreme poverty. Despite the challenges he and his family face, Kosal's parents know that education is the key to a bright future.

Unfortunately, when the pandemic hit, Kosal's father lost his job and had to move to another province to work as a gardener. This left Kosal's stay-at-home mum and younger sister to fend for themselves.

Thankfully, Kosal was able to participate in our preschool program, and he is now studying in their advanced Khmer class. Since joining HHA, Kosal's attitude and knowledge have drastically improved. He has become an excellent student and a kind friend to his peers. He loves to help others with their reading and writing, and he spends his free time in the library, reading books beyond his level.

Thanks to our education programs and his mother's dedication to teaching him at home, Kosal's Khmer language has vastly improved. He can now read storybooks that he could not have dreamed of before.

Kosal's dream is to become a policeman when he grows up. With his determination and our help, there's no doubt that he will achieve his goal.

At HHA, we believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. With your help, we can provide more children like Kosal with access to quality education and a brighter future. Please consider donating today to support our education programs and help children like Kosal reach their full potential.

*Name has been changed


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